When To Replace Circular Saw Blade? (Ensuring Safety and Efficiency!)

Even the sharpest blades tend to lose their sharpness over time and use. Your saw blade is no exception. Whether you use it daily as a professional or just on the weekends for DIY fun, the more you use your circular saw, the sooner the blade will wear off.

That’s why circular saw blades need changing from time to time.

Unlike electronic devices, circular saws don’t have any indicator lights that show how much power your blade has. Nor are there any set intervals. You won’t know exactly how long the blade can be used. Some common symptoms indicate that the blade is not performing well.

It either needs cleaning, sharpening, or replacing.

Here we will tell you some red flags your circular saw blades will show. Upon seeing these, you’ll know it’s time for a change.

When To Replace Circular Saw Blade

Different Reasons of Replacing a Circular Saw Blade

Different circular saw blades will show you signs of their sharpness wearing off.

However, some common denominators can be applied to all circular saw blades. Here are some symptoms that show up on different types of circular saw blades when they need changing.

Sings for Carbide Tipped/Steel Tipped Circular Saws

Steel tipped or carbide tipped circular saw blade needs changing when:

  • The blade will take longer to cut than it previously did, and you will also feel more resistance as you attempt to cut through a piece. It may even bind completely through the midway of cutting. This typically happens when the blade loses its sharpness.
  • You will notice more tears or chipping than usual around you while you work with it.
  • The blade will turn hotter than usual, may start to emit smoke while cutting, and leave burn marks on the wood after.
  • When the blade loses its sharpness, the motor must work harder to live up to its previous performance. This will cause increased motor noises.

When Does a Diamond Edged Circular Saw Blade Need Changing?

Typically, a diamond edged circular saw blade will show you these signs when it needs replacing:

  • You will notice that the metal bond on the blade that holds the diamonds together has started to melt, glazing over the blade.
  • The blade will start to look smooth, gradually turning even smoother over time. This indicates that the diamonds have worn out completely.
  • Like a carbide-tipped blade, when a diamond-edged blade wears off, it cuts slower due to the blade turning dull or stopping midway.
  • You will hear louder noises caused by the dull blade pushing the motor to work harder.

Why Does My Circular Saw Need Changing?

There are a handful of reasons why your circular saw blade might need changing. The primary reason is a decrease in performance. Over time and use, circular saw blades tend to turn dull.

But just like any other blades, they also can be re-sharpened. So, when do you know if your blade needs to be replaced or just sharpened?

Here are the answers:

When You’ve Been Using the Same Blade For More Than 2 Years

The typical lifespan of a circular saw blade is 6 months to 2 years (800 to 1000 cuts). A blade that is used regularly will tend to start losing its sharpness after that.

Even if you only use it occasionally, a circular saw blade is still subject to maintenance and weather conditions. Since it is made of metal, it catches humidity from the air and may also start to rust if it is left unattended for too long.

Using A Dull Blade Creates Pressure on The Motor

When using a dull blade, the motor inside your circular saw needs to work extra hard to keep up the performance you’d normally expect from your saw. This causes the motor to overheat and exhaust. Using a dull blade for too long may create pressure on the motor and even damage it.

If The Blade Underwent Rough Use

The types of material you cut using the blade greatly impact the blade’s performance and longevity. Blades used for cutting hard materials such as steel or concrete will need to be replaced more often than those used for cutting wood and plastic.

This happens because harder materials leave an abrasive effect on the blades that causes them to wear off their sharpness.

If There Are Chips and Dents

Circular saw blades often get damaged due to usage, so chips and dents start to show. It is better to get the blade replaced in such cases. The damages not only affect the performance of the blade but using a damaged blade are prone to risks of injury.

So, how long does a circular saw blade last? It depends on some determining factors, such as:

Blade Material

The material that the blade is made of plays a huge role in determining its performance and lifespan. Suppose the blade has high-quality materials such as carbide-tipped or tungsten carbide steel. In that case, it is more likely to provide better durability than other materials.

Then comes the process of manufacturing. Suppose the blade has undergone precision machining and heat treatments. In that case, it will not only be sharper but also be able to cut through tougher materials while still remaining sharp.

What You Are Cutting with It?

What materials are being cut with the circular saw directly determines how long the blades will serve you. Suppose you’re using it to cut softwood or plastic. The material will offer less resistance, and the blades will easily stand up against it.

But if you’re cutting hard materials such as steel or concrete, the hardness of the materials will leave an abrasive effect on the saw blades, causing them to wear off quickly.

How Frequently You Use It?

How frequently you use your circular saw can significantly impact the lifespan of its blades. If you use it regularly, the blades will tend to wear off more quickly than if you use it occasionally. Like any other tool, the more you use it, the shorter the lifespan.

Investing in extra sets’s a good idea if you plan to use your circular saw frequently. That way, you will have a fresh set ready whenever needed.

Storage And Maintenance

If you’re good with your tools, they’ll be good to you too. This applies to not just circular saws but every other tool out there. Good maintenance goes a long way.

The circular saw blades need to be lubricated regularly for a lasting lifespan. Storing your saw blades is also crucial to getting a good performance out of it. If the saw blades are stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat, they will last longer.

Blades usually come with a protective case or container, which protects the blade from damage and protects you from getting injured by it. Storing the blades in their protective cases gives them a longer lifespan.

How To Replace A Circular Saw Blade?

Here’s a step-by-step guide of how you can safely replace a circular saw blade:

To replace a blade, first you need to remove it.

Removing A Blade:

  • Press the blade lock in to unlock it
  • Loosen the arbor bolt and remove it
  • Open the blade guard carefully
  • Safely remove the blade

Now, to set the blade in place.

Installing A Blade

  • Rotate the blade guard to open it
  • Slip on the blade
  • Put on the outer flange
  • Press the blade lock in
  • Tighten the arbor bolt to secure it.

To Finish It Off

Investing in a good circular saw does require an ample amount of time, patience, and skill. But if you can keep up with it, it’ll save you time, money, and hard work. Just ensure you use the right blade type for the right materials, and you’re all set.

To get the best out of your circular saw, you must properly maintain and store it in a secure place. Cleaning, lubricating, sharpening, and replacing the blades are parts of the process. But these little things will go a long way if you can do it right.


My name is Michael M. Militello, and I want to help you find the right tools and the best products for your next project! As a professional tool expert here in Houston, TX, With my vast tool experience, I can help you choose the right brand, model, and size for the job. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. You can reach me here on my blog and also on Facebook, Twitter , and Pinterest. I look forward to hearing from you!

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